Poster Presentations
Complex Systems, Soft Matter, Biophysics, Medical Physics
1. Biological computing of Physarum polycephalum: Traveling salesman problem (TSP) optimization in random network
Ma. Johanne G. Columnas, Zepaniah D. Potutan, and Mark Nolan P. Confesor
2. Carrageenan as Configurable Nonspherical Hydrogel Particles
Giovanni Monterona, Mark Adones P. Lingaro, and Rommel G. Bacabac
3. Characterization of Secondary Particles in Neutron Irradiation of Soft Tissue with 30ppm of Boron-10 for Neutron Dosimetry- A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
Sunshine G. Albores, Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr., and Orneth C. Payac
4. Dynamics of a spring damper system with sinusoidal driving force
Trizzia Lerry Premacio
5. Evaluation of Boron-Dose (α, 7Li) Components in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy- A Computer Simulation Study
Hearly Daved Son Alipin, Orneth C. Payac, and Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr.
6. Evaluation of Epithermal Neutron Flux in Soft Tissue Loaded with 20 ppm of Boron-10 for Optimized Neutron Capture
Charles Greg F. Gales, Orneth C. Payac, and Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr.
7. Exploring Muon Irradiation Effects on Lung Tissue: Insights from a PHITS-Based Preliminary Study
Reyna E. Gomez, Jade C.Jusoy, Orneth C. Payac, and Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr.
8. Impact of tube current and slice thickness on dose levels and image quality for ASIR-V and SAFIRE algorithms on adult head CT: A phantom study
Pamela Bayoca, Eric M. Inocencio, and Juzzel Ian B. Zerrudo
9. Internal Neutron Dosimetry in Lungs: Exploring Radiation Quality of Epithermal Neutrons using Voxelized-Human Phantom
Orneth C. Payac and Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr.
10. Microfluidic chamber design and fabrication using soft lithography
Gladys Jean J. Casin, Mary Diane Pilapil, Rommel G. Bacabac, and Rosario L. Reserva
11. Microrheological Characteristics of Pectin and Kappa Carrageenan Investigated using Multiple Particle Tracking and Optical Tweezers
Mark Adones P. Lingaro, Mary Diane Pilapil, Edsel Rheo Belongilot, Ammiel Majan, and Rommel G. Bacabac
12. Microrheological properties of fibrin elucidated through video microscopy
Lourenz O. Baliber, Hyacinth Suarez, and Rommel G. Bacabac
13. Monte Carlo Optimization of a 6 MV Linear Accelerator using GEANT4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE)
Renna Mae V. Tondo, Maynard E. Limbaco, and Salasa A. Nawang
14. Neutron Flux Evaluation of Carborane-Monoclonal Antibody Conjugate in BNCT using PHITS for Therapeutic Ratio Enhancement
Rolemae M. Murilla, Orneth C. Payac, and Eulogio S. Auxtero Jr.
15. Radiation Shielding Calculations and Simulation of a Tertiary X-ray Imaging Facility
Jay Erickson C. Tio
16. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) Derived from Bataan Beach Sand for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry Application
Kimberly M. Palce, Mark Ariel P. Gomez, and Lyzette C. Salac
17. Spherical Microwell Multi-arrays Fabrication for 3D Cell Culture
Claire B. Tagasa and Keng-Hui Lin
18. Study on secondary neutrons particles from a water target irradiated by a proton and 12C ions
Nor Etika Fatimah P. Lintasan, Maynard E. Limbaco, and Salasa A. Nawang
19. Traction force analysis of single-cells adhering a planar substrate
Shane Amgee R. Guhil, Floramie J. Ortega, and Giovanni J. Paylaga
20. Viscoelastic response of fibrin to strain controlled deformation
Cindy L. Flores, Mary Diane Pilapil, Mark Adones P. Lingaro, Hyacinth Suarez, and Rommel G. Bacabac