Poster Presentations
International Conference on Particles and Radiation
1. Characterizing low-intensity neutron beam for radiography
Neil Raymund D Guillermo, Julius Federico M. Jecong, Frederick C. Hila, Cheri Anne M. Dingle, Mon Bryan Z. Gili, and Jennifer A. Sagum
2. Electron Beam Therapy Simulation through Water Phantom and Soft Tissue Using Particle Heavy Ion Transport Code System (PHITS) for Dose Distribution
Dariel L. Teves, Kenneth Clinton S. Amarilla, Virginio C. Torlao, Clyde M. Dalumpines, and Vernie C. Convicto
3. Interaction of incident proton beams to various biological tissue for application in positron emission tomography: A Monte Carlo study
Kimberly T. Castor and Catherine Therese J. Quiñones
4. Investigation on the spatial distribution and kinetic energy of positron-emitting nuclei generated by incident carbon-12 beam using GATE: A Monte Carlo study
Elaine Loraine P. Rivera, Jerome D. Aparri, Dainna Recel S. Pamisa, and Catherine Therese J. Quiñones
5. Monte Carlo investigation on the correlation of annihilation photons and incident particle range for carbon-12 radiotherapy using PET
Jerome D. Aparri, Elaine Loraine P. Rivera, Dainna Recel S. Pamisa, and Catherine Therese J. Quiñones
6. Monte Carlo Investigation on X-Ray Dose Distribution for Clinical Diagnostics using PHITS
Kenneth Clinton Amarilla, Virginio C. Torlao, Dariel L. Teves, Clyde M. Dalumpines, and Vernie C. Convicto
7. Monte Carlo study on the interactions of helium ions in biological tissues for applications in positron emission tomography (PET)
Marie Neil A Pulido and Catherine Therese J. Quiñones